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Mujica Technologies: Solution Differentiates Between Legitimate Email and Spam

Miami, Florida, March 7, 2006—Mujica Technologies’ new full service reputation management  solution, smtpRM, solves the costly headaches of end users, mail server administrators and advertisers by effectively differentiating between legitimate and illegitimate email.

Due to phishing and viruses, spam is even more of a threat to email users than it’s ever been. Additionally, email providers carry a large cost burden associated with the influx of fraudulent emails and false positives in terms of bandwidth, personnel costs, customer dissatisfaction and lost productivity. The cost to end users is also high with the possibility of potentially harmful viruses, the threat of identity theft and the frustration of receiving spam.

The complexity of this problem is only compounded by the tools currently used.. Traditional anti-spam tools such as keyword filtering, Bayesian or advertiser whitelisting, mistakenly discard legitimate communications while encouraging cunning spammers to find a way around them. The process of examining individual messages for content, instead of focusing on  the sender’s reputation, has proven to be time consuming, costly and more importantly, ineffective. Full service reputation management  is the only way to strip unethical spammers of their most valuable asset: anonymity.

Services aimed at guaranteeing the delivery of requested advertisements in return for a charge, essentially an “email tax,” only serve to exploit the end user while benefiting the mailbox provider. However, none of these methods considers legitimate non-commercial mass and individual email.

What is smtpRM?
SMTP stands for “simple mail transfer protocol” and is the method used for email transmission across the internet. Mujica Technologies’ smtpRM leverages this protocol, while adding sender reputation information to the process. smtpRM is a solution for mail servers, commonly referred to as MTAs (Message Transmission Agents), which uses IP address ownership and sender information to authenticate servers and relate them to their corresponding reputations. The email sender's reputation is evaluated every time a message delivery attempt is made.  The sender’s reputation level must be within the recipient’s tolerance level in order to complete delivery.

How It Works
Unlike traditional anti-spam solutions, none of the responsibility for registering, installing, or maintaining the software falls to the end user. In addition, because it is installed by the server administrator, there is a minimal cost associated with providing relief from unwanted email for large numbers of end users.

Email administrators interested in protecting their mailboxes from spam, phishing, viruses, etc., must register their incoming and outgoing email servers’ IP addresses and claim ownership of these through an ownership verification process. Similarly, all parties interested in sending messages to end users protected by smtpRM will be required to register their outgoing mail servers’ IP addresses. Reputations can be enhanced by providing additional optional information.  This information can be instantly verified, so the entire process takes only a few minutes.

Mujica Technologies has developed and released the first and only full service reputation management solution that addresses email threats without limiting free and open email communication. smtpRM is the first and only solution to effectively address the spam problem.

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