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AdViaTech develops new advertising video network.

Tampa, Florida - March 13, 2006. In a press conference held today, CEO Chris Kazor announced its newest product in web advertising promotion.  “This is the next logical step of internet advertising, a short commercial added to relevant web pages. With the advent of DVRs and TiVo®, more and more people are skipping commercials which pay for the entertainment, so there is a greater need for commercial display on other media. Our AdViaVideo network will be a substitute for advertisers big and small who what to advertise using commercial clips.”

AdViaTech has developed a network of over 100 website affiliates.  Affiliates are paid to display the commercial on the network.  Kazor went on to explain, “Our advertising network is effective and affordable, since the advertiser pays only when a viewer actually sees their video ad.”

For more information, to advertise or to sign your website up as an affiliate, go to  AdViaTech is a subsidiary of Ybor City Telco, a company that has been advertising on the internet since 1995.

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